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Phone on Desk


​You can contact Dr. Miller in several ways:


1. (Best method of contact for a quick response) Fill out this FORM and Dr. Miller or her case coordinator (Zach) will personally contact you via your preferred method.


2. You can book an available appointment for a free 15-minute phone consultation below. 


3. Besides the above methods, EMAIL AND TEXT MESSAGES are the best ways to reach Dr. Miller, since she is typically busy in meetings with other veterans and has limited time for phone calls. You can email Dr. Miller directly. or you can text this number: (765) 273-3734‬


4. Finally, you can call us directly at ‪(765) 273-3734‬ - leave a detailed message and Dr. Miller or her case coordinator (Zach) will get back to you as soon as possible. â€‹

Schedule a Free Phone Consultation

Book a time to speak directly with our lead psychologist, Dr. Miller, about the services we can provide. Use this time to ask questions or start your process of working with us.

Just have a quick question?

This message will go directly to our email and we will respond ASAP.

Thanks for submitting!

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